김찬월 대표, 가모 끊임없는 연구와 개발 할터
김찬월 대표, 가모 끊임없는 연구와 개발 할터
  • 시사매거진 2580 dhns@naver.com
  • 승인 2013.07.27 13:48
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Kim Chan-wol's My-Hair-Lab, Inc

Patented Gamo that changes the second act of one;s life

It is not just such state-of-the-art fields as semi-conductor or the Internet that brings forth a venture business. You can even succeed ever so much in the field you are frequently in contact with in everyday life if only you keep your challenging spirit alive. CEO Kim Chan-wol won certification of a venture company by researching on wigs. He developed a realistic wig called 'Gamo' by complementing the setback of the existing wigs which felt stuffy and rather tended to stir up fallen hair. This led him to have his technique certified through a venture company recognized to have developed new technology, a new-knowledge patentee, selection as the World's Haircutting and Beauty Culture judge at Paris, citations from Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy and fromdirector of Patent Office. We interviewed CEO Kim Chan-wol, who is engaged in finding confidence in life back for balding persons with dauntlessness, incessant research and endeavors.

사진은 김찬월 대표이사 본지 기자와 인터뷰 하고 있는 모습 ⓒKoreaNews

Patented Gamo  Incessant research and development

Patented Gamo is a wig that has raisedthe functions of the wig, or the kit, and a hairpiece by one notch. With this, you can use a wig like your real hair, not simply wearing a wig using another's human hair or artificial hair. It adopts a method of binding hairpieces firmly together by using the seed hair remaining on the area of hair loss and cottonseed. It has been manufactured by connecting the cottonseed to the remaining hair in order to remove the phenomenon of the wig coming off, which used to be the biggest problem in wearing a wig, and revive the natural beauty as far as possible. Besides, this new invention increased durability and lengthened the life span by using a bio-netting specially treated with antibiotics. It also improved comfort by smoothing the airing between Gamo and scalp.

¡°Gamo aims not just to wear a wig but to create a customized Gamo Lab (검색엔진에 Myhairlab 으로 되어 있어서 Lab을 씁니다만 씌워준다는 Wrap이 맞는 게 아닌지?***) not looking like false hair by grasping the customer's situation and reviving his individuality. I learned haircutting technique belatedly. I took a class at haircutting institute carrying my daughter on the back. I made good income because of my dexterity of hand. If I had been contented with that hairdresser job, however, it wouldn't have made me what I am.¡±

Kim Chan-wol Gamo also obtained patent with its product of a hairpiece for Gamo only, which serves persons with a partial hair loss, alopecia areata coming from stress, or to cover a damaged head from a serious wound. This patented hairpiece for Gamo only was manufactured to remove easily at fundamental layer. Besides, considering the fact that direct touch of the fundamental layer with Gamo settled in makes airing difficult, this product is equipped with an airing net and another net for preventing the loss of remaining hair. This way improves draining or airing remarkably enabling the wearer to do every open-air activity such as a bath or swim without need to put a wig off. With excellent airing, it discharges sweat or moisture generated from your scalp and serves to prevent a bad smell. Another merit is its reusability because of easy replacement when there is hair loss at a parting area bound together.

A change though seeming no change

The life of Gamo lies in its naturalness. Gamo customers want it to be natural like their own hair at every time, including in playing sports, taking a bath, drying their hair or when the wind is breaking. Even as early as the beginning of the 1990's when CEO Kim started researching on a wig, it was a succession of trials and errors. Domestically with a total lack of objective data, it was hard to decide on to what extent he should implant Gamo, what kind of hair quality would be good,and there were many difficulties in partially measuring the flow of hair quality or the amount of hair. He repeated innumerably making and correcting all processes one by one regarding how to design the top of customers' head and how to make it comfortable when wearing the product made, etc.

¡°One day, a customer, who had lost hair after having an accident, came to me. I started research on Gamo for his sake. I had gone through numerous trials and errors until developing the special technique of making a fixed frame with hairs, to which I could bind hairpieces togetherdelicately and connect hairs minutely. Sometimes I wanted to give up but the heartbreaking stories of customers who were visiting and looking to me made me crave for returning them with the happiness of their second act of life.¡±

Passion is my biggest asset in life.

¡°Even after 20 years' experience of researching on Gamo, I still have butterflies in my stomach when a new customer comes in. No one knows how much sufferings those who are going through hair loss have to face. It is my profession to inspire courage and hope in the hearts of such customers, not just implant one hair.¡±

For so many people who have livedtroubling their mind due to a thin hair, ECO Kim Chan-wol has found a new life. He further presented a new hope to those who have another torment of hair loss accompanied by the existing trouble caused by the side effects of medication, disease of a burn, etc. We expect that the footsteps of CEO Kim Chan-wol, who has devoted himself to Gamo with passion and faith, will write his own chapter in the world history as well as in ours.

Reporter Kim Geon-tak    

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  • 대표전화 : 02-2272-9114
  • 청소년보호책임자 : 김남규
  • 법인명 : 시사매거진2580
  • 제호 : 시사매거진2580
  • 등록번호/등록일 : 서울 다 06981 / 2004-06-02
  • 등록번호/등록일 : 서울 아 03648 / 2015-03-25
  • 발행일 : 2004-06-02
  • 총재 : 이현구
  • 회장 : 김태식
  • 발행인 : 김남규
  • 편집인 : 송재호
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